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     Cabinet contol board RDK is an expansion module used along with BANEL JB-2005 a EkoBANEL 2014. It is meant to be placed inside a small control cabinet, that is usually directly mounted on a lift.


RDK is connected with main control cabinet using a special cable. Communication is done via this cable and two-wire CAN interface protocol. Due to this fact RDK can send and receive a variety of signals:

- 32 different requests generated by the elevator car

- 9 inputs from elevator car ( light barrier A, B, button for opening/closing, information concerning the current load 10%, 80%, 110%, contactors, automatic door opening, etc.)

- position signalizing, alarm, acoustic signalizing, overload alarm, lights control


Huge advantage of RDK is overall cable management and simple configurability of additional functions. However, RDK requires usage of a special cable in the  configuration of 24xG1+8xG0,25.

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